I planned to take a break from the nitty gritty real estate info this month and do a fun blog. As the month went on and we got closer to Memorial Day it occurred to me that honoring those who made the ultimate sacrifice to allow me to freely think and say whatever I want on this silly little blog might be a better use of this space.
It’s unfortunate that pretty much all of us have known someone who put on the uniform, went overseas, and never came back. We are fortunate, however, to live among people who are willing to take on that enormous risk and responsibility on our behalf. We can’t know the weight this time brings to those who served, witnessed the losses first hand, and have carried that burden home. Nor can we fathom the heavy hearts of so many parents, husbands, wives, and children who’s lives have been forever changed by the sacrifice of those we honor on Memorial Day. While you’re enjoying your long weekend with family and friends, see if you can find a way to let someone who might feel very differently from you about this weekend know that you support them and thank them for carrying this weight for you.
The Leicester Community Center will be honoring Leicester’s fallen heroes on Sunday 5/28 at 2:30 pm. All are welcome.
Mitch Carver of Leicester, NC
Ryan Dennison of Ijamsville, MD
KIA 11/15/06 in Balad, Iraq